
How To Dehydrate Broccoli (Dehydrator, Oven, Air Fryer, Microwave)

dehydrating broccoli

Dehydrating broccoli is a simple and efficient way to preserve this nutritious and flavorful vegetable for long-term storage or for use in recipes such as soups, stews, and trail mix. By removing the moisture from the broccoli, you can extend its shelf life and make it more convenient to pack and transport.

In this article, we will discuss how to select the best broccoli for dehydration, how to prepare it for the dehydrator, different methods for dehydrating broccoli, and how to store your dried broccoli to ensure it stays fresh and retains its flavor.

How To Dehydrate Broccoli At Home

Does broccoli dehydrate well?

Broccoli is a good candidate for dehydration because it is a low-moisture vegetable with a firm texture. When dehydrated properly, broccoli retains its color, flavor, and nutrients, and it can be a convenient and nutritious addition to many recipes. Dehydrated broccoli is ideal for use in soups, stews, trail mix, and other dishes where you want a crunchy texture.

Selecting broccoli for dehydration

When selecting broccoli for dehydration, look for heads that are firm and have tightly packed florets. Avoid broccoli that is wilted, yellowing, or has black spots. The fresher the broccoli, the better the end result will be. If you are growing your own broccoli, it is best to harvest it when the florets are still small and tight.

Proper preparations

Before dehydrating your broccoli, it is important to properly prepare it to ensure that it dries evenly and retains its flavor.

  • Start by rinsing the broccoli under cold water to remove any dirt or debris.
  • Cut off any tough stems.
  • Then, cut the broccoli into small, bite-sized pieces, approximately 1/4 to 1/2 inch in size.

Once the broccoli is cut, it is important to blanch it to help preserve its color and flavor. To blanch broccoli, bring a pot of water to a boil and add the broccoli pieces. Boil them for 1-2 minutes, then immediately transfer them to a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking process. This will help the broccoli retain its bright green color and ensure that it retains its nutrients during the drying process.

Can I dehydrate broccoli without blanching?

It is possible to dehydrate broccoli without blanching, but it is not recommended.

If you skip the blanching step, the broccoli may lose some of its color, flavor, and nutrients during the dehydration process. It may also take longer to dry, as the heat from the dehydrator or oven will have to work harder to remove the moisture from the broccoli. In addition, broccoli may be more prone to spoilage due to the presence of bacteria or enzymes that were not destroyed during the blanching process.

There are several methods for dehydrating broccoli, including using a dehydrator, oven, or microwave.

Dehydrating broccoli using a dehydrator

If you have a dehydrator, this is the easiest and most efficient way to dehydrate broccoli.

  • Preheat your dehydrator to 135 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Arrange the broccoli pieces in a single layer on the dehydrator tray. Make sure the pieces are not touching or overlapping.
  • Dehydrate the broccoli for 8-12 hours, or until it is completely dry and crisp. Check the broccoli every few hours and flip it over to ensure that it is drying evenly.

Dehydrating broccoli in an oven

If you don’t have a dehydrator, you can also use your oven to dehydrate broccoli.

  • Preheat your oven to the lowest setting, typically around 150-200 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone mat, and arrange the broccoli pieces in a single layer.
  • Place the baking sheet in the oven and dry the broccoli for 8-12 hours, or until it is completely dry and crisp. Be sure to check the broccoli every few hours and flip it over to ensure it is drying evenly.

Dehydrating broccoli in an air fryer

To dehydrate broccoli in an air fryer, follow these steps:

  • Preheat the air fryer to 135 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Arrange the broccoli pieces in a single layer in the air fryer basket, making sure they are not touching or overlapping.
  • Dehydrate the broccoli for 8-12 hours, or until it is completely dry and crisp. Check the broccoli every few hours and flip it over to ensure it is drying evenly. The drying time will depend on the humidity level and the size of the broccoli pieces.

Once the broccoli is dry and crisp, remove it from the air fryer and allow it to cool completely before storing it in an airtight container.

Note: It is important to keep an eye on the broccoli while it is dehydrating in the air fryer to make sure it is not overcooking or burning. You may need to adjust the temperature or cooking time depending on the size of your air fryer and the humidity level.

Dehydrating broccoli in a microwave

If you don’t have a dehydrator or oven, you can also use your microwave to dehydrate broccoli.

  • Place the broccoli pieces in a single layer on a microwave-safe plate lined with a paper towel.
  • Microwave the broccoli on high power for 1-2 minutes, or until it is partially dry and starting to wilt.
  • Remove the plate from the microwave and allow the broccoli to cool and continue drying at room temperature. This method is not as efficient as using a dehydrator or oven, but it can be a quick and convenient option if you are in a pinch.

How to Store Dried Broccoli

Once your broccoli is completely dry and crisp, it is important to store it properly to ensure it retains its flavor and stays fresh.

Here are some tips for storing dried broccoli:

  • Let it cool completely: Before storing the broccoli, make sure it has cooled to room temperature. This will help prevent moisture from condensing inside the container and causing the broccoli to spoil.
  • Use an airtight container: To prevent the broccoli from absorbing moisture or odors from other foods, store it in an airtight container such as a jar with a tight-fitting lid, a vacuum-sealed bag, or a plastic bag with the air squeezed out.
  • Store in a cool, dry place: To extend the shelf life of your dried broccoli, store it in a cool, dry place away from heat and direct sunlight. The pantry or a cupboard are good options.
  • Label and date the container: It is important to label and date the container so you know when the broccoli was dehydrated and can use it before it goes bad. Dried broccoli will typically last for 6-12 months when stored properly.

By following these tips, you can easily dehydrate and store broccoli for long-term use. Dehydrated broccoli is a convenient and nutritious addition to many recipes, and it is a great way to preserve this tasty vegetable for the future.