
How to Dehydrate Cilantro In The Oven

dehydrate cilantro in the oven

If you love the taste of cilantro, but often find that your fresh herbs go bad before you have the chance to use them all, dehydrating cilantro in the oven is a great way to preserve its flavor and extend its shelf life.

In this article, we’ll show you step-by-step how to dehydrate cilantro in the oven and give you some tips on how to use it in your cooking.

Why Dehydrate Cilantro?

Cilantro is a delicate herb that can quickly wilt and spoil, making it difficult to store for long periods of time. By dehydrating cilantro, you can preserve its flavor and extend its shelf life. Dehydrated cilantro can be stored in an airtight container for up to a year, making it a convenient ingredient to have on hand for cooking.

See also: How to Dry Cilantro Naturally

Step-by-Step Guide to Dehydrating Cilantro in the Oven

Preheat the Oven

Preheat your oven to 170°F (or the lowest possible temperature).

Rinse and Dry the Cilantro

Rinse the cilantro leaves under cold running water and pat them dry with paper towels.

Spread the Cilantro on a Baking Sheet

Spread the cilantro leaves out in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Dehydrate in the Oven

Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and let the cilantro dehydrate for 1-2 hours. Keep an eye on the cilantro to make sure it doesn’t burn.

Check for Dryness

After 1-2 hours, check the cilantro for dryness. It should be dry to the touch and crumble easily between your fingers.

Storing Dehydrated Cilantro

Once the cilantro is fully dehydrated, remove it from the oven and let it cool completely. Store the dehydrated cilantro in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. It can be stored for up to a year.

Tips for Using Dehydrated Cilantro in Cooking

  • Use dehydrated cilantro in the same way you would use fresh cilantro.
  • Add it to soups, stews, and sauces for a burst of flavor.
  • Use it to season rice dishes, tacos, and other Mexican-inspired dishes.
  • Rehydrate the cilantro by soaking it in water for a few minutes before using it in your recipe.


Can you dehydrate cilantro in a dehydrator instead of an oven

Yes, you can also dehydrate cilantro in a dehydrator instead of an oven. In fact, using a dehydrator may be a better option as it allows for more precise temperature and humidity control. To dehydrate cilantro in a dehydrator, simply spread the leaves and stems on the trays and set the temperature to around 95-105°F (35-40°C). Dehydrate the cilantro for 2-4 hours or until it is completely dry and crispy.

How long does it take to dehydrate cilantro in the oven?

The time it takes to dehydrate cilantro in the oven can vary depending on factors like the temperature of your oven and the humidity of your kitchen. Generally, it takes between 1-2 hours to fully dehydrate cilantro in the oven.

Can you dehydrate cilantro stems?

Yes, you can dehydrate cilantro stems along with the leaves. Just make sure to remove any thick, woody stems that won’t dehydrate properly.

Can you rehydrate dehydrated cilantro?

Yes, you can rehydrate dehydrated cilantro by soaking it in water for a few minutes before using it in your recipe. This will help soften the cilantro and restore some of its fresh flavors.

How long can you store dehydrated cilantro?

Dehydrated cilantro can be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place for up to a year. After a year, it may start to lose some of its flavor and potency.