
Most Common Side Effects of Eating Dried Apricots

side effects of dried apricots

I gathered the most popular questions about dried apricots and listed possible side effects of eating dried apricots daily.

Truth be told, most will probably not experience any side effects when eating dried apricots.

SEE ALSO: Heath Benefits of Dried Apricots

Most Common Side Effects of Eating Dried Apricots

Eating too many dried apricots can have some side effects. Here are the most common side effects of eating too many dried apricots.

Upset stomach

Dried apricots are high in fiber, which can cause bloating, gas, and diarrhea if consumed in large amounts.

Kidney stones

Another potential yet very rear side effect of eating too many dried apricots is an increased risk of developing kidney stones. Dried apricots are high in oxalates, which can contribute to the formation of kidney stones in some people.

Tooth decay

Dried apricots contain a lot of natural sugars, which can cause tooth decay. It’s a good idea to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth at least two times a day to help remove any sugars from your teeth.

In general, eat dried apricots as part of a balanced diet and you should be fine.

Questions and Answers About Eating Dried Apricots

What happens if you eat dried apricots every day?

It is safe to eat dried apricots daily. When you overeat or have certain allergies, you may experience some adverse effects.

How many dried apricots are too many?

The exact amount of dried apricots that are “too many” will depend on:

  • your age,
  • overall health,
  • gender,
  • and level of physical activity.

If you are worried, start with a small serving of dried apricots and gradually increase your portions.

One serving of dried apricots is typically considered to be about 1/2 cup, or about 12 dried apricot slices – approximately 50g.

Always keep in mind everything else you consume during the day. If you eat a lot of high-fiber or high-sugar foods, you should limit your intake of dried apricots.

Do dried apricots cause inflammation?

Inflammation is not considered a side effect of dried apricots. Actually … there is some evidence to suggest that dried apricots may have anti-inflammatory properties and may be beneficial for reducing inflammation in the body.

As part of a balanced diet, incorporate a range of anti-inflammatory items in your diet, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats.

What is the best time to eat dried apricots?

There is no specific “best” time to eat dried apricots.

Here are a few suggestions for when to eat dried apricots:

  • Dried apricots are a convenient and healthy snack that you can enjoy any time of day. You can eat dried apricots on their own or pair them with other foods, such as nuts or cheese, for a more satisfying snack.
  • Dried apricots are a tasty addition to a variety of dishes, including salads, grain bowls, and sandwiches. You can add them to your meals at breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
  • Dried apricots are a delicious and healthy alternative to traditional desserts. You can eat them on their own or use them to make healthier versions of favorite treats, such as cookies or cakes.

Side Effects of Eating Too Many Dried Fruits

Eating dry fruits in moderation is safe and a good addition to a balanced diet. Eating too many dry fruits can have some side effects.

Here are the most common potential side effects of eating too many dry fruits:

  • Dry fruits are high in fiber. Consuming too much fiber can lead to digestive problems such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea.
  • Dry fruits are often high in natural sugars, which can contribute to tooth decay. Brush your teeth regularly to remove any sugars from your teeth.
  • Dry fruits are a concentrated source of calories and can contribute to weight gain. Pay attention to portion sizes and to balance your intake of dry fruits with other types of foods to help maintain a healthy weight.
  • Some people may be allergic to certain types of dry fruits, such as nuts or seeds. If you have a known allergy to some dry fruit, just avoid consuming it.

How many dry fruits can we eat daily?

There is no specific recommended daily intake for dry fruits. It really depends on your overall health.

Start with a tiny portion of dry fruits if you are concerned. A safe serving of dry fruits is commonly defined as 1/4 cup or 4-6 individual dry fruits.

It’s also important to consider the other high-fiber or high-sugar foods you are eating throughout the day. It may be a good idea to limit your intake of some of them to avoid side effects or other health problems.

A rule of thumb is that you should be absolutely fine if you are in good health, eat a variety of dried fruits, and keep a balanced diet.


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